Our first polo social club cookout was awesome I counted 36 people in the above picture and there were at least 5 more not in the pic, AWESOME. That's by far the largest turnout so far, must've been the food! Thanks everyone for coming out and bringing food and drinks and yourselves and playing polo so enthusiastically. There were a few bang-ups but luckily no one was seriously injured. If you didn't stick around last night then you missed out on the swimming and beer we had at Dan's place afterwards. Don't fret, there is always next time. I have some video of the festivities, so expect to see some of that soon.

Not only did we have a good time, but we also made the paper, The Austin American Statesman. If you were out there early enough you probably saw the people with cameras and note pads taking down info. Well they wrote a nice article about us which can be read online. Click on the image below and you will be redirected to the statesman article. Or pick up a print copy and hang it on your wall, like me. Not!
Not only did we have a good time, but we also made the paper, The Austin American Statesman. If you were out there early enough you probably saw the people with cameras and note pads taking down info. Well they wrote a nice article about us which can be read online. Click on the image below and you will be redirected to the statesman article. Or pick up a print copy and hang it on your wall, like me. Not!

NOTE: if you happened to leave last night with something that wasn't yours, please let me know so we can get it back to the rightful owner... such as containers, tools and bags, food you don't want, etc... thanks!
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