Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thursday and Sunday the 16 and 19 Polo

Dan, Chris, and Miguel
representing Austin in Denver this weekend
for the Rocky Mountain Bike Polo Open
Jordan and myself are going to support, so dont expect to see us this week at polo,
Have fun and be safe!

edit: polo will go on as usual, someone will come by and get the stuff, and if not then YOU can come by and get it...


  1. best of luck to you dudes!
    Robert, will polo still be happening? I knnow the rest of us would still love to play...

  2. I'm super excited for this!

  3. good luck. polo will still be represented in Austin on Sunday as well (sans flats).

  4. rob
    -i've been thinking of bag ideas for the tournament. do you have a tourney design / stencil i can incorporate? or i was thinking of making a BFF austin 2k9 stencil and painting it on bags. give me yr thoughts!


    DAN, CHRIS, & MIGUEL have a blast this weekend and come back in one piece.
