Wednesday, February 3, 2010

League Play Update:

I heard from Cyrus about all the crazy games that happened this weekend. I'm excited to get in on the action. If you haven't gotten with your team yet, please do so soon, at least get in contact with them, and get a team name and figure out your schedules so you can coordinate on showing up all together. I heard there were 3 teams all missing one player each. That's sucks, and isn't fair for your team. Don't be scared of your teammates, they are all nice people!

On another note, if you haven't figured it out yet, the schedule isn't going to be something we follow exactly. So, if you show up and the team you will be playing 3 weeks from now on the schedule is there too, and there aren't any other teams around, go ahead and play them. I don't mind if you all call out teams and play early or later, as long as you get the games in. And please, PLEASE, report the scores to Cyrus or myself or post them up in the google doc somewhere where we can see them and post them up on the official score sheet. This way teams will know who they've played and who they need to play, and see who is killing it and who isn't! And at some point I want to start reading about the games from the participants themselves, who played well, who impressed everyone, who scored an awesome shot at the last second, blah blah, you know, I think this will be cool for everyone!

I hope today was good down south, can't wait for my work break on Thursday to come out and watch some polo, and of course Sunday is going to be GRRRREAT!!! See you on the courts!


  1. God! I am so sorry, Cyrus and Brooks! It's all my fault for not being there..i suck! NOT! Miss Yall already, D

  2. Derek, not a problem. It won't be the same without you. I hope the move went well. Keep us updated on Polo in Albuquerque! ~Cyrus
