Saturday, November 28, 2009


One of the good things about going up to the Columbia Midwestern's was the chance to get hold of one of these capped mallet heads from St. Cago Polo Works, which is Lucky of St. Louis. At the tournament, he had a box full of the 3 different mallet heads he made, the double capped, the single capped, and the small diameter double capped. I couldn't resist. So, I bought one of each. After the tournament, I was compelled to buy another single capped, which Israel has already bought off me. After playing with the single capped at the New Orleans Tournament, I am convinced of it's abilities. It's magical! Not really, but it's fun to play with...

Click the image above to read about it at Urban Velo and check out ( to order some from Lucky, if you're interested. Otherwise, I've got some yellow and blue head materials to make more than a few mallets. Let me know at polo. Unfortunately we didn't pick up any ski poles when we were up north, but there may be some in the used sporting equipment section at some Goodwills and other thrift stores. Goodluck!

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