Monday, November 30, 2009

Holiday Party

Hello Polo guys and gals. Sunday was a good time back at the courts, nice to see some new faces and play with the ATX crew again. We had a lovely little farewell potluck for our beloved baby Charlie. Annie, Jasmine and I were talking about the upcoming holiday and thought it would be nice for all of us to get together and have a social outing off the courts. We were thinking of organizing a holiday party and gift exchange at jasmine;s humble abode. The [possibly tentative] date we thought of was Monday Dec 21. This will be a potluck BYObeverage and dish. Also, bring a gift (make, bake, or thrift store treasures only!)for a gift exchange.
Post up responses scheduling concerns, ideas, etc. up here so we can iron out the details and get this in motion.

Hope everyone is ready for December and keep coming out for polo!
x's and o's,


  1. i'm down.... and the date works great for me

  2. I'd be up for a gathering, but I'm leaving for home on the 19th I think...

  3. I think it should be earlier... just my 2 cents

  4. i'm down for it being earlier too.some people may have to leave out of town for the holidays!

  5. ok, we are working on a different date. annie is available any day after the 9th of Dec. fridays and saturdays are out because of work schedules. what about monday the 14th? (i am off on mondays that is why its my vote....) what do yall say?
